Capitalism ii with capitalism lab free download
Capitalism ii with capitalism lab free download

Players can choose to compete against computer-controlled rivals in four different industries: farming, manufacturing, raw material mining, and retailing. It can be a fun and useful exercise for anyone who wants to test their entrepreneurial mettle without, for once, taking any risk. In particular it's gratifying to me to see that the game rewards thinking about sources of long-term competitive advantage, be it from brand recognition, low production costs gained from learning-by-doing (a nice touch!), a monopoly on high quality inputs, or a big technological lead." Businessweek, OctoCapitalism isn't just for those who aspire to be the next Michael Dell or Sam Walton. Not all aspects of it are realistic, but enough of them are that many sensible strategies are encouraged. Gamers not only learn the subtleties of growing an entrepreneurial business but also learn about leadership and team building necessary in any business situation." "Capitalism is very realistic and will allow the dynamics to change depending on whether you're selling a cola product, which is sort of a low tech-branded consumer good, or whether your selling consumer electronics or a PC." Professor Drew Fudenberg Harvard University "This game does an excellent job of modeling many of the key aspects of modern business.

capitalism ii with capitalism lab free download

Gamers not only learn the subtleties of growing an Review abstracted by Professor Thomas Kosnik, Consulting Professor, Stanford School of Engineering, and Lecturer, Harvard Business School, Technology Today, CNBC-TV Cable "Capitalism is a world class, hands-on learning experience which I've used at Stanford School of Engineering and Harvard Business School.

capitalism ii with capitalism lab free download

Review abstracted by Professor Thomas Kosnik, Consulting Professor, Stanford School of Engineering, and Lecturer, Harvard Business School, Technology Today, CNBC-TV Cable "Capitalism is a world class, hands-on learning experience which I've used at Stanford School of Engineering and Harvard Business School.

Capitalism ii with capitalism lab free download